Punjab PSC Electrical Inspector Recruitment 2022 Vacancies
- Assistant Electrical Inspector: 06 vacancies in the Department of Power, Government of Punjab
- Age: 18-37 years as of 01/01/2022
- Pay Scale: ₹47600/- during the probation period of 3 years
- Qualification: Should possess a degree or diploma equivalent to a degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized university or institution; and Should have regularly been engaged for a minimum period of three years in the practice of Electrical Engineering of which, not less than one year should have been spent an Electrical or Mechanical Engineering Workshop or in generation transmission or distribution of electricity in a position of responsibility. (ii) Punjabi of Matric or its equivalent Standard.
Application Fee
The Online Application charges are ₹500/- for all types of candidates and the examination fee is ₹1000/- (₹250/- for SC/ST of all states and OBC of Punjab state only, No fee for Ex-Serviceman, PWD/EDS and LDESM of Punjab state only) must be submitted online through any Branch of State Bank of India only.
Written Examination
The procedure for selection of candidates for the post of Assistant Electrical Inspector (Group-A) will consist of a Written Competitive Examination comprising 120 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) questions (@ 4 marks for each question) of 480 marks (Questions from the Subject (Part A of Syllabus) - 100 questions of 400 marks, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning, Mental Ability, & Quantitative Aptitude. (Part B of Syllabus) - 20 questions of 80 marks). The exam will be two (02) hours in duration. The exact date shall be intimated shortly. Selected candidates will be called for personal interviews of 60 marks.
How to Apply for Punjab PSC Electrical Inspector Recruitment 2022?
Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the Punjab PSC website from 02/11/2022 to 22/11/2022 only for Punjab PSC Assistant Electrical Inspector Vacancy Recruitment 2022.
- See Also - Government Jobs in Punjab
Details and online application format
For more information and the online application form for Assistant Electrical Inspector Recruitment 2022 in Punjab, please visit the Open Advertisement section of the Punjab PSC website at https://www.ppsc.gov.in
Note==> Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitments by Public Service Commissions