Security Assistant Executive and MTS Exam 2023 for Intelligence Bureau

IB SA/Exe and MTS/Gen Recruitment 2023 Vacancies
- Security Assistant/Executive (SA/Exe): 1525 vacancies (UR-739, EWS-151, OBC-276, SC-242, ST-151) in various states, Pay Scale: Pay Level-3 ₹21700-69100/-, Age: 27 years, Qualification: Matriculation (Class X) or equivalent from a recognized Board., (ii) Knowledge of any local language (iii) Domicile certificate of the state
- Multi-Tasking Staff/General (MTS/Gen): 150 vacancies (UR-68, EWS-15, OBC-35, SC-16, ST-16) in various states, Pay Scale: Pay Level-1 ₹21700-69100/-, Age: 18-25 years, Qualification: Matriculation (Class X) or equivalent from a recognized Board., (ii) Knowledge of any local language (iii) Domicile certificate of the state
Application Fee
Application fee of ₹450/ to be paid (₹500/- for Male candidates of General, EWS and OBC categories) to be paid online along with the application form.
How to Apply for IB SA/Exe and MTS/Gen Recruitment Exam 2023?
Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online at the MHA website from 28/01/2023 to 17/02/2023 only for Intelligence Bureau Security Assistant Executive and MTS Exam 2022-23.
Details and Online Application Form
Please visit for all the details and a link to apply Online for Intelligence Bureau Security Assistant Executive and MTS Exam 2023.