Junior Intelligence Officer Technical Recruitment Exam 2023 for Intelligence Bureau

IB JIO Technical Recruitment 2023 Vacancies
- Junior Intelligence Officer (JIO) Grade-II/Technical: 797 vacancies (UR-325, EWS-79, OBC-215, SC-119, ST-59), Pay Scale: Pay Level-4 ₹25500-81100/- and (i) Special Security Allowance @ 20% basic pay in addition to other Government allowances. (ii) Cash compensation in lieu of duty performed on holidays subject to a ceiling of 30 days., Age: 18-27 years, Qualification: I. Diploma in Engineering in the fields of: Electronics or Electronics & Tele-communication or Electronics & Communication or Electrical & Electronics or Information Technology or Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Computer Applications from a Government recognized University/Institute. Or II. Bachelor’s Degree in Science with Electronics or Computer Science or Physics or Mathematics from a Government recognized University/Institute. Or III. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications from a Government recognized University/Institute.
Application Fee
Application fee of ₹500/ to be paid by all type of candidates to be paid online through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI/challan etc. Candidate may generate payment acknowledgement slip for future reference along with the application form.
How to Apply for IB JIO Technical Recruitment Exam 2023?
Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the MHA website from 03/06/2023 to 23/06/2023 only for Intelligence Bureau Junior Intelligence Officer (JIO) Grade-II/Technical Exam 2022-23.
Details and Online Application Form
Please visit https://cdn.digialm.com/EForms/configuredHtml/1258/83923/Index.html for all the details and a link to apply Online for Intelligence Bureau Junior Intelligence Officer (JIO) Grade-II/Technical Exam 2023.