Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Job Recruitment in India from Central/State Governments, PSU, Courts, Universities, Banks, Armed Forces, Institutes

Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competition Exam 2023

Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Examination 2023 by RPSC

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) invites Online applications for the recruitment of the following various 905 Sarkari Naukri vacancies through Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competition Examination 2023 in various administrative, technical, and ministerial services for various departments of  Rajasthan Government for the year 2023. (Advt. No. 02/Exam./RAS&RTS/EP-I/2023-24)

Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competition Exam 2023

RPSC State/Subordinate Services Recruitment Exam 2021 Vacancies

  • Rajasthan State administrative Services - 424 vacancies
    1. Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS): 67 vacancies
    2. Rajasthan Police Service (RPS): 60 posts
    3. Rajasthan Accounts Service: 130 posts
    4. Rajasthan Cooperative Service: 46 posts
    5. Rajasthan Employment Service: 03 posts
    6. Rajasthan Jail/Prison Service: 08 posts
    7. Rajasthan Industries Service: 11 posts
    8. Rajasthan State Insurance Service: 14 posts
    9. Rajasthan Food and Civil Supplies Service: 01 post
    10. Rajasthan Transport Service: 10 posts
    11. Rajasthan Combined Child Welfare Service: 55 vacancies
    12. Rajasthan Labour Welfare Service: 13 vacancies
    13. Rajasthan Excise Service (General): 03 vacancies
    14. Rajasthan Minority Matters Service: 03 vacancies
  • Rajasthan State Subordinate Services - 481 vacancies
    1. Rajasthan Devasthan Subordinate Service: 01 vacancies
    2. Rajasthan Cooperative Subordinate Service: 196 vacancies
    3. Rajasthan Cooperative Subordinate Service (TSP): 07 vacancies
    4. Rajasthan Tehsildar Service: 102 vacancies
    5. Rajasthan Tehsildar Service (TSP): 12 vacancies
    6. Rajasthan Employment Subordinate Service: 03 vacancies
    7. Rajasthan Industries Subordinate Service: 11 vacancies
    8. Rajasthan Commercial Tax Subordinate Service: 33 vacancies
    9. Rajasthan Commercial Tax Subordinate Service (TSP): 04 vacancies
    10. Rajasthan Food and Civil Supplies Subordinate Service: 48 posts
    11. Rajasthan Integrated Child Welfare Subordinate Service: 09 vacancies
    12. Rajasthan Integrated Child Welfare Subordinate Service (TSP): 02 vacancies
    13. Rajasthan Social Justice and Empowerment Subordinate Service (Probation and Prison Welfare Officer): 10 vacancies 
    14. Rajasthan Social Justice and Empowerment Subordinate Service (Probation and Prison Welfare Officer) (TSP): 01 vacancies 
    15. Rajasthan Labour Welfare Subordinate Service: 13 posts
    16. Rajasthan Labour Welfare Subordinate Service (TSP): 01 post
    17. Rajasthan Minority Affairs Subordinate Service (Programme Officer): 06 vacancies
    18. Rajasthan Subordinate Service "State Agriculture Marketing Department Section"  (Junior Marketing Officer): 22 posts
Age: 21-40 years as of 01/01/2024.

Pay Scale:  Pay Level L-14 to L-10 of pay matrix

How to Apply for RPSC State/Subordinate Services Recruitment Exam 2023? 

Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at the RPSC website between 01/07/2023 and 31/07/2023 only for Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competition Exam 2023.

Detailed information and online submission of application 

For complete information and online submission of application for RPSC State/Subordinate Services Recruitment Exam 2023, please visit  (published at

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