THDC Recruitment of Junior Engineer Trainee Vacancy 2023
THDC India Limited invites online applications in the prescribed format from bright result oriented, energetic and dynamic candidates of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh domicile with a bright academic record to recruit and join THDC India Limited as Junior Engineer Trainee in current and backlog vacancies in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Discipline for the year 2023 through a Computer Based Test (CBT) and Interaction/viva. (Advertisement No. 11/2023) SarkariNaukriBlog
THDC India Limited is a leading power sector and profit-making Schedule 'A' Mini Ratna PSU under the Ministry of Power, Government of India.
THDC Jr. Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2023 Vacancies
- Junior Engineer Trainee: 181 vacancies (Uttar Pradesh-90, Uttarakhand-91), Age: 27 years as on 07/06/2023, Remuneration: Selected candidates will be placed at minimum basic pay of ₹29200/- in the pay scale of ₹29200-3%-119000 (IDA), Qualification: 3 Yrs Full-Time Regular Diploma/ 02 years for Lateral Entry in relevant branch of Engineering with minimum 65% marks for General/OBC(NCL)/EWS candidates and pass marks for SC/ST/PwD/ Ex-SM candidates., Selection by Written Test (100% weightage)
- Civil Engineering: 72 vacancies (Uttar Pradesh-36, Uttarakhand-36)
- Electrical Engineering: 72 vacancies (Uttar Pradesh-36, Uttarakhand-36)
- Mechanical Engineering: 37 vacancies (Uttar Pradesh-18, Uttarakhand-19)
Application Fee
Candidates are required to deposit non-refundable application fees of ₹600/- for the candidates applying only for THDC, ₹295/- for application only for NHPC only and ₹895/- is fee for candidates applying for NHPC & THDC both through online mode only. SC/ST/PwD/ Ex-SM/ Departmental candidates (Regular Employees of THDCIL) are exempted from payment of application fees
Selection Process
THDC India Limited will recruit Junior Engineer Trainees (JET) (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical) through a Computer Based Test (CBT). The Computer Based Test shall be conducted in collaboration with NHPC Limited. The weightage will be like this => Computer Based Test (85% weightage) and Interaction/viva (15% weightage).
The computer based test will be of 180 minutes (3 hours) duration in English and Hindi medium. There will total of 200 questions of 200 marks.
- Part-I: 140 multiple choice questions of the concerned discipline (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering).
- Part-I: 30 multiple choice questions of the General Awareness.
- Part-I: 30 multiple choice questions of Reasoning.
How to Apply THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2023?
Suitable candidates should apply Online in the prescribed format at THDC website from 09/06/2023
Details and Online Submission of Application
For further details and online application form for THDC Junior Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2023, please visit