Recruitment of Examiner of Patents & Designs in CGPDTM 2023
Applications in the prescribed format through online application mode are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment 2023 for the following 553 Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Examiner of Patents and Designs, General Central Service, Group 'A' employee category Gazetted (Non-Ministerial) in Controller General of Patents Designs & Trademarks (CGPDTM) under department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India on a regular basis. (Advertisement No. QCI/CGPDTM/001)
About CGPDTM Examiner of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023
The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) administers the Industrial Property laws related to Patents (Patents Act 1970), Designs (Designs Act, 2000), Trade Marks (Trade Marks Act, 1999) and Geographical Indications (Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act 1999) in the country.
CGPDTM intends to recruit Examiners of Patents and Designs, General Central Service, Group ‘A’ Gazetted (Non-Ministerial) for the year 2023. The vacancies are tentative, which may be decreased or increased depending upon the actual requirement at the time of final appointment
The Examiner of Patents & Designs is the backbone of the Patent Office who examines the patent application. It may be noted that the Examiner of Patents & Designs also acts as Examiner under the Designs Act, 2000.
CGPDTM Examiner of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023 Vacancies
- Examiners of Patents & Designs: 553 vacancies (UR-242, EWS-55, OBC-152, Sc-77, ST-27) (PWD-33) in various subjects/disciplines, Pay Scale: Pay Level-10 of 7th CPC ₹56100-177500/-, Age: 21-35 years as of 4th August, 2023.
- Bio-Technology: 50 vacancies
- Bio-Chemistry: 20 vacancies
- Food Technology: 15 vacancies
- Chemistry: 56 vacancies
- Polymer Science and Technology: 09 vacancies
- Bio-Medical Engineering: 53 vacancies
- Electronics & Communication: 108 vacancies
- Electrical Engineering: 29 vacancies
- Computer Science & Information Technology: 63 vacancies
- Physics: 30 vacancies
- Civil Engineering: 09 vacancies
- Mechanical Engineering: 99 vacancies
- Metallurgical Engineering: 04 vacancies
- Textile Engineering: 08 vacancies
Recruitment Selection Process
The Examination for recruitment 2023 for the vacancies of Examiners of Patents and Designs will consist of three phases as follows:
- i. Preliminary Examination for screening of candidates for the main
examination; - Preliminary Examination will be conducted on 3rd September 2023
ii. Mains Examination for shortlisting of candidates for Interview; which will be conducted on 1st October 2023 and
iii. Interviews - will be conducted on 11th and 12th November 2023
The medium of examination for preliminary and mains examination as well as interview shall be English only.
The recruitment will be conducted by Quality Council of India (QCI).
View - Government Jobs for Engineers
Application Fee
There will be an examination fee of ₹1000/- for candidates belonging to General category and OBC category. For candidates belonging to SC /ST category, PWD/ Differently abled (PH) category and women applicants (from all categories) and any other person, the examination fee shall be ₹500/- only to be deposited through online mode only.
How To Apply for CGPDTM Examinaed of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023?
Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply Online in the prescribed format at CGPDTM Recruitment website from 14/07/2023 to 04/08/2023 only for Examiner of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023 for CGPDTM.
Details and Online submission of application
Please visit OR at for details and online application format for CGPDTM Examiner of Patents and Designs Recruitment 2023.
The details advertisement document is also available at