Lateral Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023 in Punjab Sind Bank
Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB) (A Government of India undertaking) having Hq. in Delhi invites online applications in the prescribed format from Indian citizens for the following 183 various Govt. Job vacancy Recruitment of Lateral Specialist Officers in JMGS-I, MMGS-II and MMGS-III scale in Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB) for the year 2023.
PSB Lateral Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023 Vacancies
- Information Technology (IT) Officer: 23 vacancies in JMGS-I Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Rajbhasha Officer: 02 vacancies in JMGS-I Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Software Developer: 20 vacancies in JMGS-I Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Law Manager: 06 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Chartered Accountant: 30 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- IT Manager: 40 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Security Officer: 11 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Rajbhasha Officer: 05 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Digital Manager: 02 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Forex Officer: 06 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Marketing of Relationship Manager: 17 vacancies in MMGS-II Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Technical Officer - Civil: 01 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Chartered Accountant: 03 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Digital Manager: 02 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Risk Manager: 05 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Forex Dealer: 02 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Treasury Dealer: 02 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Law Manager: 01 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Forex Officer: 02 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
- Economist Officer: 02 vacancies in MMGS-III Scale, Age: 25-35 years
Pay Scales
- JMGS-II: ₹36000-63840
- MMGS-II: ₹48170-69810
- MMGS-III: ₹63840-78230
Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment in Punjab & Sind Bank (PSB) |
Application Fee
₹1003/- (₹177/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates) including GST to be paid online only.
How to Apply for Specialist Officer Vacancy in Punjab Sind Bank 2023?
Suitable and desirable candidates should Apply online in the prescribed format at the PSB website from 28/06/2023 to 12/07/2023 under the link Recruitment for Specialist Officer Lateral Vacancy Recruitment in Punjab Sind Bank 2023.
Details and Online Application Submission
Please visit the Recruitment Section at for details and online submission for Specialist Officer Vacancy in Punjab Sind Bank 2023. Published at https://www SarkariNaukriBlog com